
The school has beautiful grounds and there are four large playgrounds for play times and PE lessons and a large playing field which can be used in good weather. The PTFA have helped fund the large play apparatus in each key stage. The wooded area is home to our outdoor classroom with a campfire and Forest School activities are a regular part of the curriculum. We also have a swimming pool which is used by all year groups over the summer term.


The children are in two main buildings, Dartmoor (for children aged 3 to 6) and Exmoor (7 – 11 year olds). Each building has a hall which is used for assembly times, PE, drama and lunchtimes.

The school has a well stocked library which is situated in the main Exmoor building. There is also a music room which houses a large selection of instruments and this is where children’s peripatetic music lessons also take place. The kitchen is in this building and dinners are cooked each day. The bungalow at the main gate is a pastoral and well being centre with additional rooms for counselling and meetings.