Fields, playgrounds and woodlands

The school has beautiful grounds and there are four large playground and two fields for play times and PE lessons. The PTFA helped fund the large play apparatus in playground which can be used by the children too! We are also really lucky to have a wonderful woodland area – this area is home to our outdoor classroom and Forest School – complete with a campfire! – and other activities which are a regular part of the wider curriculum offer.

Swimming Pool

Our outdoor, heated, swimming pool is used by every year group in the school throughout the months of April, May, June, July, September and October. Our teachers take small groups of children swimming as part of the PE curriculum. We are incredibly lucky to have this wonderful resource meaning we don’t need to find external swimming lessons at leisure centres!

Music Room

We have a very well resourced music room, used for both individual music lessons and class music lessons too.


The children are split between our two main buildings: Dartmoor (Nursery, Reception and Year 1) and Exmoor (Years 2 – 6). Each building has a hall which is used for assembly times, PE, drama and lunchtimes. Lunches are all cooked on site in our own kitchen and our yummy menu is on display on our website too.

The school has a well stocked library which is situated in the main Exmoor building.   The bungalow, and the old children’s centre, at the main gate is a pastoral and well-being centre with additional rooms for counselling and meetings.
